Relaxation from Jet Lag in Oregon Vacation Houses

Few vacations offer as many chances for fun and relaxation as those in Oregon beach rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon has many great vacation rentals to offer, and there are so many things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon, that you’re sure to have a memorable stay.

But those traveling to our many beach vacation rentals from the east may have a bit of a challenge. You may have no problem getting up early at your beach house rentals, and either making breakfast in the well-appointed kitchen, or going out for breakfast at one of our many great local diners.

Oregon's A1 Beach Rentals offers great sunsets
A1 Beach Rentals offer beach house rentals that offer amazing sunsets!

But at the same time you may find it very difficult to stay up late and enjoy the night scene around our great beach condo rentals.

This is because of jet lag. You may have traveled west in just a few hours, but your body still thinks it’s in Nashua, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Tulsa, or wherever you hail from.

Yes, jet lag can challenge any traveler who isn’t accustomed to its effects. The alarm clock on the bedside table says 5 a.m., but your body thinks it is 8 a.m., and is ready to go.  Then later, when your watch, or phone, says 9 p.m., you feel like it’s midnight.

But jet lag doesn’t have to ruin your trip to Oregon vacation rentals. We’d like to offer a few tips on things you can do to overcome jet lag, or to mitigate its worst effects.

For one, plan ahead. Start going to bed later before your trip, if possible. Sometimes family obligations and schedules make that impossible, but if you can, go to bed earlier and get up earlier for a few days before your trip. This way you’re already getting on Pacific Time before you leave your home time zone!

Another tip is to drink plenty of water. Drinking more water makes lots of things better, including adjusting to a new time zone.

A third tip is to just power through the fatigue on your first night. If you set your mind to just stay up and stay active that first night, you’ll find the adjustment happens much more quickly. The light levels at morning and evening already are more attuned to your circadian rhythms, so if you push through your natural tiredness after being up for an additional three hours, your body will snap into form more readily.

These are just a few ideas for overcoming jet lag, so you can have the best Oregon coast vacation possible. Book your stay soon, and enjoy your time in the beautiful and laid-back vacation spots in Lincoln City, Oregon!

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