Pack and Plan for a Perfect Beach Trip in Lincoln City, Oregon

Once you’ve chosen the dates and booked your beach vacation rentals, Lincoln City and its 7½ miles of coastline will be yours to explore upon arrival. Whether you’re looking forward to a weekend of fun or planning to stay in one of our Lincoln City beach vacation rentals for a week or longer, there is sure to be some beach time in your itinerary. But what if your seaside excursion goes awry and ruins an otherwise idyllic holiday? Not to worry. The following tips will help ensure that you make the most of your time in this coastal paradise and enjoy a perfect day at the beach every time. 

Start Off by Packing Right

The first step to a perfect day at the Oregon Coast is the right beach bag to pack all the essentials. Make sure you find a bag that is big enough to fit everything you need, and that won’t easily fill with sand which you will inevitably track all over the place. A mesh tote is a good option for this. Also, if you’re packing sandwiches for lunch, make sure to pack each one in a separate container or wrapper, so if one is lost to the sand you’ll still have the rest intact. Now, on to the rest of the packing. Here’s what you’ll need to feel great all day:

·      Sunblock with at least 15 SPF (so you don’t get burned)

·      Bug spray (so you don’t return home covered in bites)

·      Any medications or inhalers that your family needs (in case of an emergency)

·      Bottled water to drink (to keep everyone hydrated)

·      A spray bottle of water with optional green tea bag (to keep your skin cool)

·      Lip balm with SPF (to keep your lips moist and protected from the sun)

·      A piece of cork or flotation device for your keys (so you don’t lose them underwater)

·      Water shoes (so you don’t cut your feet on the rocky ocean floor)

·      Yoga mats for sitting and towels for drying (to provide maximum comfort)

·      Reusable shopping bag or plastic bags for trash (so you don’t litter on the beach)

·      A dust broom if you’re driving (to sweep out sand)

Plan for Safety in Any Situation

If you plan ahead and learn a few helpful facts, you’re much more likely to keep yourself and those around you safe on the beach. Start off by learning about the local rip currents: how to identify them, how to avoid them and how to react if you or someone else is caught in them. Rip currents can often be identified by a break in the waves where you see foam, seaweed, a line of rubbish, choppy water, or different-colored water coming towards you. It’s best to swim where there’s a lifeguard, but if you get caught in a rip current and no one’s around, try to swim parallel to the seashore to avoid the current until you are safely closer to land. And, if you see someone else caught in one, call 911 immediately rather than trying to be a hero.

Health and safety should always be a concern when staying in one of our beach condo rentals. Lincoln City, Oregonis a safe, fun and welcoming place – but the ocean and the rest of Mother Nature are not always so predictable. While this might sound like a lot of planning and worrying for a day on the beach, it only takes a few extra minutes to make sure you’re ready for every possibility. That way, you can sit back and relax once you get there.

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