The Unclear Roots of Oregon

One thing is certain: you’ll not find better accommodations than our Oregon beach vacation rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon boasts many types of lodging. Some have a breathtaking ocean view, while others offer views of the majestic mountains to the east. Regardless of the view, or the size, or the location, beach house rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon give you exactly what you’re looking for.

Oregon Beach House Rentals

The name of Oregon, however, is less certain. Maybe when you stay in Oregon oceanfront properties you can look up the real story behind the name of our fair state.

Some say the name comes from the Spanish word orejón. In the 16th century, Oregon was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and Spanish explorers baed in the Philippines were mapping the region. Orejón means “big ear,” however, so how that became associated with the land now known as Oregon is not clear. We’ll listen for other suggestions, so to speak.

Another theory you can investigate from the comfort of Lincoln City, Oregon beach rentals, comes from French. In the 18th century, an English explorer referred to the river in the west known as “Ouragon.” “Ouragon” is a French term meaning “windstorm” or “hurricane.” By this point in time the French had gained a foothold in Canada and the Pacific northwest, so their term came to apply to the region. The reference to a “windstorm” likely meant the powerful Chinook winds that make kite flying so popular in the region.

One other theory comes from Portuguese. Ouve a água means “hear the waters.” A Portuguese explorer in the region used the phrase in writing home after experiencing the waterfalls and swift rivers of the region. Some speculate that the words became crunched together to become “Oregon.”

But the most likely origin of “Oregon” is a mapmaker’s typographical error. In the early 18th century, a French mapmaker ran out of room when writing the Native name of the Wisconsin River, “Ouisiconsink,” and so the “-sink” part went onto the lower line. The upper line, “Ousicon,” became confused for the name of the Columbia River, and “Ouisicon” eventually became “Oregon.”

No one is clear where the word “Oregon” comes from, but it doesn’t matter much nowadays. When you stay in beach condo rentals near Lincoln City, Oregon, you’ll come to think that “Oregon” means “a great place to vacation” and you’ll want to come back time and again.

Book your stay at Lincoln City, Oregon lodgings soon to experience what people have known for centuries: Oregon is a great place to be.

Family Vacations at Oregon Beach Rentals

Bring the whole family to your favorite Oregon beach rental. Lincoln City, Oregon absolutely bursts with things for kids to do. Perhaps your family pursues outdoor adventures. Maybe you’re all interested in artistic experiences, flying kites, or searching for treasures. Or maybe you’re all more suited to indoor activities. There are many things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Oregon Beach House Rentals

And regardless of what your pleasure is, beach house rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon are the perfect “home base” for your experience.

Just a short drive from any of the comfortable, clean beach condo rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon is hiking trails and water activities at Devil’s Lake. Go kayaking with the kids. Bring along the picnic basket and charcoal and have a cookout on the lakeside. If you like to wet a line, you can get your license and fish from the shore or from a rented boat.

The natural beauty of the area will itself be a source of wonder and entertainment for the whole family.

Along the ocean, Lincoln City boasts seven miles of uninterrupted sandy beaches. Stroll along as the kids run from here to there. Seashells can be found, along with other more interesting treasures — the glass orbs left by local artisans.

Finders Keepers is a year-round program that sees local glass artisans produce beautiful, unique glass orbs and leave them to be found. Whoever finds them can keep them! All the artisans ask is that each treasure seeker only keeps one per year, and that they go to the Finders Keepers website and register their find. That’s it! The orb is free!

Or you can fly a kite! Lincoln City, Oregon has fantastic kite flying conditions, and twice each year kite enthusiasts from all over come to Lincoln City for a high-flying festival. All of this is just a short drive from any of the many Lincoln City, Oregon oceanfront properties.

Lincoln City also has museums, indoor entertainment — you can make your own glass creation — and a wide array of excellent restaurants. Seafood, naturally, is a local specialty. Salmon, crab, and mussels, among other fish, come from nearby. Other cuisines also bring a smile to diners’ faces. We have excellent Asian, Mexican, Southwest, and good old American options — everything your family might be looking for.

And the weather never gets too hot or too cold. The Pacific northwest remains a comfortable temperature year-round, making packing a bit more predictable, and sunburns less likely.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next family vacation at beach home rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon. You’ll find a place with wonders and diversions for the whole family.

Best Places to go for a Run when on Vacation in Lincoln City Oregon

Vacation isn’t just about lazing around, even in clean, comfortable Oregon beach vacation rentals. Lincoln City certainly has lots of reasons to just sit back and relax. Take in the spectacular ocean views — maybe from the deck of great beach condo rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon has great whale watching also.

Or go to a state park and relax in nature. Sample the local restaurants near your beach home rentals and choose a favorite. Stroll along the beach and maybe find a Finders Keepers glass float. Take advantage of the concerts, performances, and other things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon.

But sometimes you may just have a need to be more active. Sometimes you just need to move. You need to keep up the exercise routine, not because it’s a job, but because it’s part of who you are. You need to keep active to keep the mind clear and the body healthy.

Well, Oregon beach house rentals near Lincoln City can provide for you, too!

Whether your preference is for a good hike, or even a run along a trail, you’ll find something that meets your needs.

And the sheer beauty of the nature all around Lincoln City, Oregon will assure you of a great experience while running.

One of the great running trails is at the north edge of town. It is an out-and-back trail, and the turn-back point provides some spectacular views. This trail begins on the path to The Knoll. The Knoll is a well-known local spot to get great views of the ocean and of Lincoln City, itself. But rather than stay at The Knoll, runners continue along a path that goes through a meadow, and up the other side, to an outcropping known as God’s Thumb. The trail has some ups and downs, but nothing a seasoned runner can’t handle, and it is a total of 3.3 miles.

For those looking for a more strenuous day of running and vigorous hiking, Hart’s Cove Trail will bring the challenge. A little way north of town, Hart’s Cove begins just 17 feet above sea level, but over its nearly 14 miles out-and-back you will climb more than 2,800 feet. Naturally, that means you also will descend that same amount, but going down a steep grade can sometimes be more difficult than going up! But this trail provides everything people come to the Pacific Northwest to see lush forest, rock formations, a waterfall, spectacular views, and great running temperatures.

Of course, there are other opportunities for running — or just walking vigorously — that don’t include mud and rocks. Just a jog through the peaceful neighborhood where you find Oregon beach vacation rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon can be enough. Or a vigorous stroll along our seven miles of sandy beach can get the heart rate up.

Whatever your exercise needs, you’ll find a way to scratch that itch here. Book your stay at Lincoln City, Oregon lodging today!

Great Deals on Oregon Beach Vacation House’s for Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend events mean great getaways to your favorite beach rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon offers a full weekend of events to help you celebrate this most sacred of American holidays.

Oregon Beach House and Condo Rentals

When you stay at beach condo rentals near Lincoln City, Oregon over Memorial Day weekend your only problem will be choosing which thing to do and which to miss.

Habitat for Humanity will organize a Home and Garden Show at the Chinook Winds Casino & Resort. At the Salishan Marketplace an Artisan Faire and Farmers Market will bring the best of local and regional farmers and artisans to you. Both venues are within an easy drive from Oregon coast beach rentals near Lincoln City, Oregon.

Live performances will continue continuously. Concerts at nearby venues plus a theatrical performance by Theatre West will keep you entertained and relaxed.

Naturally, the nature never disappoints all around beach home rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon has excellent weather all year for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, or cooking out at the beach.

But perhaps the best reason to book your Oregon vacation beach rentals for Memorial Day is the annual Fleet of Flowers.

This touching tribute began in 1945. A troller got caught in a nasty storm. Two local fishermen put out to attempt a rescue mission, but the waves and the storm proved too strong. Both men lost their lives while trying to save others. Ever since then, local fishermen, the local authorities, and anyone else who wishes to take part, have offered a remembrance.

The event has expanded to include not just those two heroic men, but all those lost at sea. In time the event came to take on the larger significance of Memorial Day, honoring all those who gave their lives in defense of our country and our freedoms.

Dozens of boats participate, festooned with flowers. They cross under the highway 101 bridge and put out a little way into the ocean, where they arrange themselves in a large circle. Then a military helicopter flies over and lowers a large floral wreath into the water in their midst.

This poignant memorial is a Lincoln City original. It is our little way of keeping alive the memories of those who gave all, whether at sea, land, or air.

So, book your stay at a Lincoln City, Oregon area beach house rental to spend Memorial Day Weekend in this amazing part of our amazing country.

Relaxation from Jet Lag in Oregon Vacation Houses

Few vacations offer as many chances for fun and relaxation as those in Oregon beach rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon has many great vacation rentals to offer, and there are so many things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon, that you’re sure to have a memorable stay.

But those traveling to our many beach vacation rentals from the east may have a bit of a challenge. You may have no problem getting up early at your beach house rentals, and either making breakfast in the well-appointed kitchen, or going out for breakfast at one of our many great local diners.

Oregon's A1 Beach Rentals offers great sunsets
A1 Beach Rentals offer beach house rentals that offer amazing sunsets!

But at the same time you may find it very difficult to stay up late and enjoy the night scene around our great beach condo rentals.

This is because of jet lag. You may have traveled west in just a few hours, but your body still thinks it’s in Nashua, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Tulsa, or wherever you hail from.

Yes, jet lag can challenge any traveler who isn’t accustomed to its effects. The alarm clock on the bedside table says 5 a.m., but your body thinks it is 8 a.m., and is ready to go.  Then later, when your watch, or phone, says 9 p.m., you feel like it’s midnight.

But jet lag doesn’t have to ruin your trip to Oregon vacation rentals. We’d like to offer a few tips on things you can do to overcome jet lag, or to mitigate its worst effects.

For one, plan ahead. Start going to bed later before your trip, if possible. Sometimes family obligations and schedules make that impossible, but if you can, go to bed earlier and get up earlier for a few days before your trip. This way you’re already getting on Pacific Time before you leave your home time zone!

Another tip is to drink plenty of water. Drinking more water makes lots of things better, including adjusting to a new time zone.

A third tip is to just power through the fatigue on your first night. If you set your mind to just stay up and stay active that first night, you’ll find the adjustment happens much more quickly. The light levels at morning and evening already are more attuned to your circadian rhythms, so if you push through your natural tiredness after being up for an additional three hours, your body will snap into form more readily.

These are just a few ideas for overcoming jet lag, so you can have the best Oregon coast vacation possible. Book your stay soon, and enjoy your time in the beautiful and laid-back vacation spots in Lincoln City, Oregon!

St. Patrick’s Day Plans in Oregon Beach Rentals

The Oregon coast can be a great place to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day when staying in a beach vacation rental. Oregon has some great options to celebrate the wearing of the green.

In fact, even the name of the state could be a celebration, if you add an apostrophe. Yes, O’regon even has an Irish sound to it for St. Patrick’s Day plans. But if you are looking for a place to relax and get away during St. Patrick’s, Oregon beach condo rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon really offer a lot.

First, lodging in Lincoln City, Oregon means beach home rentals. And those put you close to all of the things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon for St. Patrick’s Day.

If you do plan to book an Oregon vacation beach house rental for St. Patrick’s Day you’ll be able to call it a restful place to stay while taking part in great festivities.

The Lincoln City cultural center will host a dinner and a show on St. Patrick’s Day itself, March 17. Pipedance, a local band composed of a husband and wife, will entertain with traditional Irish music and dancing from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. This show, just miles from Lincoln City, Oregon beach house rentals, will bring you to the Emerald Isle and her colorful history full of storytelling, dancing, and singing.

Just a few miles down the road, in Newport, Oregon is one of the most important and authentic Irish pubs in all of “O’regon.”

That pub, easy driving distance from vacation rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon, is Nana’s.

Nana’s was built by Irish natives who wanted to keep the spirit of their “Nana” alive. Nana was Bridget O’Brien, who would welcome all and cook for all. Philomena O’Brien came to the Oregon coast and opened Nana’s to honor Bridget. Since 2008, Nana’s has been a mainstay of the Nye Beach, Oregon area, and it is a short drive from beach home rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Or if you’re looking for parades and events in Salem, Eugene, or Portland, none of those is too long of a drive from the vacation rentals on the Oregon coast. Parades, cultural festivals, concerts, and other events can be found in cities near and far along the coast of Oregon and further inland.

So book your stay at Oregon beach house rentals to make sure you have a great, comfortable, clean home base to come back to while celebrating St. Patricks Day in northwest Oregon.

Call today to book your stay at any of our clean, comfortable, well-appointed beach house rentals on the Oregon coast — or is that the “O’regon coast”?

Within Driving Distance from Lincoln City, Oregon Beach Home and Condos

Everyone should want to vacation at Oregon coast beach rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon is the capital of these exquisite getaways. With seven miles of sandy beaches, miles and miles of great restaurants, museums, state parks, cultural experiences, and so much more, you should book your beach vacation rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon today to have the most amazing time.

And Lincoln City, Oregon lodging is a reasonable drive from so many parts of Oregon — and even Washington State! But it’s far enough away for oceanfront property Oregon to be a fantastic vacation getaway.

On the other hand, if you’re from out of the region and you book your Oregon vacation rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon, you are close to lots of great west coast locations!

So how far are beach home rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon from major cities?

From the center of Lincoln City, Portland is about 100 miles away. In good traffic that’s just under two hours. Portland, of course, is the capital of great coffee, great microbrew beer, and so many quirky cultural elements, you don’t want to miss that day trip.

Lincoln City is 108 miles — about two and a half hours — from Astoria, Oregon. So, if you want to see the house where the Walsh family lived in The Goonies, you’ve got a bit of a drive. But that drive is along the coast, so it promises to be one of the most beautiful, breathtaking, and memorable drives you’ll ever take.

The Oregon state capital in Salem is only 58 miles away. With good traffic that’s just over one hour.

Eugene, Oregon, home of the University of Oregon, is just 124 miles away, which is a little over two hours with good traffic. Eugene is a great college town along the Willamette River, with lots going on. Don’t miss it!

But if you’re more of an Oregon State University Beavers fan, you’re in luck.  Corvallis is just 74 miles away, or one and a half hours. Corvallis sits where Mary’s River empties into the Willamette, and if you enjoy a good time, you can’t do better than Corvallis.

Seattle is a bit out of reach as a day trip at 270 miles — four and a half hours – but if you are presently in Seattle, then beach condo rentals in Lincoln City, Oregon is a great vacation option for you!

Don’t miss the opportunity to book with us soon!

Great Breakfast Options near your Oregon Beach Rental

Every day should start with a great breakfast when staying in our Oregon beach rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon has many, many great breakfast options.

In fact, with the number of great breakfast options in Lincoln City, we should probably be known as the Breakfast Coast! Guests in our Oregon beach home rentals can choose from among many options — from traditional breakfast fare done perfectly, to crepes and delicate offerings, to quirky and interesting. And with the large number of options, all Oregon coast vacation rentals are near at least a couple of great options.

Another feature of breakfast near Oregon vacation homes is the availability of fresh seafood options. Whether salmon, crab, or other fresh catch, our breakfast spots make good use of the fruit of the ocean.

We’ll share some of the great breakfast spots near our Oregon beach condo rentals, but by no means are these the only great one’s worthy of your taste buds.

First is Nelscott Breakfast House. Nelscott serves a wide array of omelettes, many different benedicts, and generously topped french toast, all with as much excellent coffee as you can handle. Nelscott’s has been a local favorite for many for a long time. Let them become your go-to spot for breakfast whenever you’re staying in Oregon vacation homes in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Our second option is the Wildflower Grill. Wildflower Grill offers a wooded creek side respite from the hustle and bustle of Highway 101 and Lincoln City in general. The menu also doesn’t disappoint. All baked goods, including the breads for toast, are made on-location daily. Don’t miss this little gem tucked away for your rest and relaxation.

Another great local breakfast spot is Zest Creperie & Boutique. If you’ve never had crepes for breakfast, you owe it to yourself to give them a try. Zest’s makes delicate crepes, and stuffs them to perfection with the most delectable combinations of flavors. Your mouth will thank you for giving Zest a try the next time you’re staying in beach rentals near Lincoln City, Oregon.

Otis Cafe reopened after a devastating fire, and it’s a good thing! This beloved little restaurant has been a local favorite for a long time, and for good reason! The portions are large, and their cooking is some of the best on the Oregon coast. You’ll soon make Otis one of your family traditions when coming to the coast.

The last breakfast spot we’ll talk about today is Vivian’s Restaurant. Vivian’s windows and deck overlooks the water and a wooded landscape beyond. So, you can watch to see what wildlife might come around while you’re waiting for your smoked pork breakfast burrito or house-made bloody Mary.

So, book your stay on the Oregon coast and find a new favorite breakfast spot! With as many options as we have, you’ll have to come back to the Oregon coast many times!

Savings on Lodging for Thanksgiving Vacation in Oregon

dinner table at oregon rental

When you go on vacation you’re looking to have a great time, but not spend too much, even on a great beach vacation rental. Lincoln City, Oregon has lots of those, and if you book one of ours during these winter months you’ll get some relief to your wallet.

Imagine spending Thanksgiving at one of our clean, comfortable beach home rentals near Lincoln City, Oregon. You can go out to dinner, or order in and eat around the table at your beach condo rentals. Many restaurants have Thanksgiving dinner plans available for you. In recent years A traditional Thanksgiving dinner has been available at a number of restaurants, while some have offered twists on the theme. One is a Thai restaurant, another is a creperie that offers a vegan version of Thanksgiving. 

Bedroom in Beach House

Some are dine-in, others are takeout, and some offer both options. Not all restaurants have published their plans just yet, but if you call ahead or keep looking at their website you’ll eventually find what you’re looking for.

And if you come into town and stay at one of our Oregon vacation beach rentals, you’ll have the opportunity to walk off that dinner with a pleasant stroll along the seven miles of sandy beaches along Lincoln City. Our properties all have convenient access to the beach.

You also could take a short drive to any of a number of hiking trails. Some head up into the hills, while some go up to lookouts overlooking the Pacific Ocean or Siletz Bay. 

During your Thanksgiving family vacation you could catch a classic or quirky movie at the Bijou Theatre or the Lincoln City Cinema. You can book a glass blowing class at the Lincoln City glass center. You could go whale watching. There are lots of things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Or, you could stay at your comfortable, clean beach house rental and spend quality time with your family. 

dinner table at oregon rental

Staying in over Thanksgiving you’ll be able to watch football on Thanksgiving and over the weekend. You can spread out some board games, or play card games. You can enjoy the hot tub, take in the view from your porch, or just set a spell with a glass of wine and have a pleasant conversation with a loved one. 

Here’s the bottom line: there are so many things you can do once you’re at your Oregon coast beach house rental for Thanksgiving. And with these price reductions for the winter, your stay will cost less. What you do with that money saved is up to you. 

So book your stay today and have one of the most interesting and relaxing Thanksgiving vacations you’ve ever experience. 

Oregon Beach Rentals Affordable for Families

beach front Oregon lodging

All year round is the right time to book Oregon coast vacation rentals. Lincoln City, Oregon keeps the lights on and the doors open for visitors throughout the winter.

And now there’s yet another reason to book beach vacation rentals near Lincoln City, Oregon: we’re running a discount on beach condo rentals during the winter months. With all the things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon — even during the winter — you hardly need another reason to come stay here. We just wanted to give you that nudge to choose to book one of our Oregon vacation beach rentals, so we decided to lower our prices for a few months.

beach front Oregon lodging

You will get the same clean, comfortable vacation rentals with the same amenities and comforts like a hot tub, easy beach access, and lots to do nearby in downtown Lincoln City. The weather remains comfortable for a fire on the beach, watching the surf and wildlife, and just strolling along the seven miles of sandy beach.

But with our lower prices during these months you’ll pay less for beach home rentals. You’ll be able to host the whole family, relax in comfort, take day trips to nearby nature preserves and state parks, find fun and interesting activities in town, enjoy delicious meals at stellar nearby restaurants — or stay in to cook your own meals, and so much more. But it all starts with having a truly perfect place to stay. That’s where we come in And our Oregon vacation homes are more affordable during these winter months.

And once you’re in town you can choose from among a great number of things to do. The glass center always has classes you can book, or you can go seeking for a glass float along the beach. The “Finders Keepers” program means glass floats are somewhere out there all year ‘round, and if you find a glass float it is yours to keep! They just ask that you go on the website and register your find so they know it’s been found.

A beach with the sky

With the year-round mild climate you can be sure that your stay will be comfortable for walks, bonfires on the beach, walks along the sandy beach, hikes in the hills, or even some water sports, like kayaking and fishing. And when you book Lincoln City, Oregon lodging during these winter months you’ll enjoy our discounted rates. 

Book for Thanksgiving, for a weekend getaway, or a longer-term family vacation, or a working vacation. You’ll be glad you did!